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PENTAX PF-85EDA zestaw z okularem SMC PENTAX ZOOM 8-24MM (20-60x)

PENTAX Optyka Sportowa 



PENTAX PF-85 EDA luneta obserwacyjna z okularem zoom SMC 8-24mm (20-60x)

Doskonała propozycja na lunetę obserwacyjną i astronomiczną


Obserwacja przyrody, a w szczególności obserwowanie ptaków, staje się coraz bardziej popularnym sportem, oferującym szeroką gamę zajęć, od obserwacji zwierząt po wycieczki do gwiazd. Coraz częściej możliwości lornetki nie są już wystarczające. To tutaj lunety PENTAX oferują znacznie rozszerzone pole widzenia i są w stanie wyraźnie pokazać nawet najdrobniejsze szczegóły z doskonałym kontrastem.


1. Bright, clear field of view
The PENTAX PF-85EDA features ED (Extra-low Dispersion) glass optical elements to effectively minimize chromatic aberrations, and the latest multi-layer coating process to drastically reduce reflectance when compared with conventional models. With the combination of a full multi-coating process applied to all optical elements and a phase coating process applied to the roof prism, this spotting scope delivers a clear, high-contrast field of view for high-quality observations.
2. Compact body for excellent portability
Despite its large, 85mm-diameter objective lens, this spotting scope is designed to be compact and highly portable, thanks to the incorporation of the latest optical design featuring a roof prism. This compact design makes it easy for the user to casually carry it to a destination, and also comes in handy in a variety of applications, including birdwatching, nature and astronomical observations, and score checking in archery contests.
3. Compatibility with a range of eyepieces
The eyepiece mount features an American-standard 31.7mm (1.25 inches) sleeve to accept a range of eyepieces, including the XF series specifically designed for PENTAX spotting scopes, and the XW series perfect for astronomical observation. This compatibility allows the user to choose the eyepiece that best accommodates a specific application.
4. Slanted-barrel design
The eyepiece section is slanted upward at a 45-degree angle, allowing the user to easily adjust the eye level and observe the subject in a natural, relaxed posture without the need to look up. This slanted-barrel design even allows the user to observe the subject over a long period of time in comfort while sitting in a chair.
5. Waterproofed for use in a rain
By inserting a dust-proof glass element in the eyepiece mount, the spotting scope is designed to be airtight for outstanding waterproof performance (equivalent to JIS Class 7; with water resistance to a depth of one meter*) for dependable use even in the rain or mist.

6. Nitrogen-filled body for a clear field of view without fogging
The interior of this spotting scope is filled with nitrogen gas to prevent fogging caused by sudden temperature changes, assuring a clear field of view even in demanding weather conditions.


Kit version

The PENTAX PF-85EDA is available alone or as a kit version with the SMC PENTAX ZOOM EYEPIECE 8-24MM. In addition to the many advantages of the eyepieces in the XW series, this eyepiece offers a variable imaging range with a magnification factor of between 20x and 60x, which corresponds to a field of view of 33m to 17m at 1000m.


Original PENTAX eyepieces

The performance of a spotting scope can only be as good as the performance of the eyepieces used. That is why we offer a comprehensive range of eyepieces for many applications.
With their functional, practical focal lengths, the XW eyepiece series offers a comprehensive range for all kinds of applications, from observing stars at low magnification to observing planets at high magnification.

High-quality optics for exceptional image quality
The high-performance optics of the XW series consist of lanthanum glass elements with high refractive power and particularly low dispersion, which produce a balanced image with minimal aberrations. They have been specially developed to reduce the disturbing blackout effect by effectively compensating for the spherical aberration of the pupil.
PENTAX proprietary multi-coating for outstanding light transmission
All lens surfaces that come into contact with the air are treated with the original multi-layer coating, while all laminated surfaces are provided with the innovative partial coating. This achieves a light transmission of more than 90 per cent (96 per cent at 550 nm) in the visible spectral range.
Advanced light shielding technology for improved image contrast
Thanks to PENTAX's advanced composition simulation technology, the XW series has a light-shielding diaphragm in the most effective position to dramatically reduce internal reflections for a brighter, higher-contrast image.
Weatherproof construction for all-weather viewing
The XW series features a JIS Class 4* weatherproof design that allows use in drizzle or nighttime dew.
* The XW series eyepieces are not designed for underwater use and should not be submerged in water.
Universal connection mount
With the XW series, you have a choice of two mounting diameters: The 31.7 mm American standard version and the 50.8 mm (two inch) version. If you remove the screw-on eyecup, you get a screw thread with a diameter of 43 mm and a pitch of 0.75.

Ze względu na standardowe mocowanie okularów 1 1/4 " (31,7 mm) możliwe jest stosowanie wszystkich okularów Pentax (XW, XF), a także okularów innych marek.

Dane techniczne w zakładce SPECYFIKACJA
MODEL PF-85EDa > Kit Zoom Eyepiece 8.0–24.0
TYPE Roof prism (45° tilted)
LENS CONSTRUCTION 5 elements in 4 groups, ED glass elements with 85mm effective aperture
ATTACHMENT DIAMETER 31.7mm (1.25 in.)
FOCUS RANGE About 5m to infinity
DIMENSIONS (H | W | D) approx.347 x 116.5 x 101.8mm / approx.13.7 x 4.6 x 4.0in.
WEIGHT approx.1,600 g / approx.56.5 oz.
WATERPROOF RATING 1m depth of water, Nitrogen filled
REAL FIELD OF VIEW 1.9° – 1.0°
FIELD OF VIEW AT 1000M 33m – 17m
EYE RELIEF 18mm – 22mm
na wszystkie lornetki i lunety marki PENTAX 10 lat
UWAGI  European Warranty Card
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aktualizacja:  2015-01-09 10:45
projekt i realizacja: BigCom

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